On the way back from the museum we stopped to buy some new tool boxes for Dan with his Christmas money so that he can do what I should have done years ago, namely sort out the huge box of lego that he has in his room. This is a classicly difficult exercise in taxonomy, what categories do we need, how much space do we need for the bricks, what about the bricks that don't fit well into other categories (lego maps for instance). It reminds me of one of my favourite taxonomy articles (I only know of one) which is how a taxonomer for the Chinese Emporer decided to classify the animals in China, the book is the Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge, in which it is written that animals are divided into:
- those that belong to the Emperor,
- embalmed ones,
- those that are trained,
- suckling pigs,
- mermaids,
- fabulous ones,
- stray dogs,
- those included in the present classification,
- those that tremble as if they were mad,
- innumerable ones,
- those drawn with a very fine camelhair brush,
- others,
- those that have just broken a flower vase,
- those that from a long way off look like flies.
A bit like Heroes in fact, the US superhero series which is pretty badly acted in part and not terribly well directed but keeps us up later than we should be. Worth a look if you don't mind a little gore and a lot of suspension of disbelief.
Today (sunday) it was a bit warmer, Andy was out at a sportswear party thing (so she can get leggings made for her that go below the knee) and allegedly it is going to be 11C next weekend so I thought I'd take the kids on a walk round the block near our house and across the lake while we still could.
Here's the kids on the lake outside our house with the house in the background (the brick and cream one)

Last snow angel of the year?

1 comment:
Ethan and I ran out of compartments pretty quickly when we tried to sort his lego. So then all the larger, more common 2x2s, 2x3s or 2x4s got thrown into a larger toolbox on their own... Poor guys, no nice little groupings for them e.g. "are you see-through?", "are you a normal colour?" "are you some wierd kind of orange or brown?"... or the uber compartment.. "do you flash and make siren sounds if I press you"
I've got a feeling we might be combining duplo, normal/lego city, star wars and NXT Technic robotics soon to build the 1337 of spaceships....
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