Saturday 22 March 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone back in the UK.

Easter is a little different here in the states, for one thing Good Friday is not a national holiday amazingly. The separation between Church and State puts paid to that one - I think they can get away with it for Christmas as there are celebrations for other religions at a similar time (such as Spendmus, celebrated by consumerists, and Drinkmus celebrated by hedonists) but Easter is a difficult one to disguise (unless you went for Chocmus, celebrated by Gluttonists). I took the day off anyway and we went for a walk which turned into a snowball fight, because we had 6-8 inches of snow fall - at Easter. I'm sure you're getting as bored reading about the snow as we are emptying it out of Dan's boots - but this appears to be what life in Minnesota is like from Dec-Mar. It snowed at least 2 inches on Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday.

One of my work colleagues came over today with his little girl, her and Becky spent ages seeing who could get the most hairclips attached to their heads.

Andy and Dan also had more ice-skating lessons, I took a little bit of video to show the weather.

But more importantly managed to get a great short piece of Dan wiping out.

And here is Andy about to start a lesson (second from the right)

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