Joined Netflix this week on the cheapo rental deal - $4.99/month for 2 films and got out 'The Bridge to Teribithea' about two young children who are outsiders at school and invent an imaginary world. - we thought it would be a good one to stay up late with Dan and watch. It was a really enjoyable film but it was not the super happy film we were really expecting. I'd recommend it though. It may the last film we see in a while as we gave back the DVD/TV unit we'd borrowed from the neighbours so we are now without a TV. I'm still holding out for the corporate discount which had better come soon, there is some issue with our visas that they are trying to sort out before we can become BestBuy employees and thus gain the key to the kingdom of cheap electronics.
Its not such a bad thing not having a TV as it means we can keep going on sorting out the house. We started on Dan's room this week and managed to finish it within a few days which is the 4th room we've done since we got here. We still need to replace some desk handles and sort out painting spider man on the wall (I'll post the picture when we do so you can have a laugh at our efforts).

We've also bought our next door neighbour's dining table and chairs from them as they've upgraded to a bespoke table about 12 feet long before any leaves are added. I have a suspicion we'll end up furnishing our house with their cast-offs as they tend to be nicer than anything we'd buy for ourselves.
In the afternoon today we went into St. Paul to Como Zoo to take advantage of the nice weather - not really encouraged by someone at church who had been telling us about how in the past it has been a nice day and then a blizzard hits which one time killed 59 people in downtown Duluth and hundreds in Minneapolis, which is why he always keeps warm weather gear and plenty of food in his car. Thanks for that Mark.

Not sure about the zoo, the animals looks pretty fed up, but there was a spectacular polar bear.
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