Take a look at the picture below, looks fairly innocent doesn't it.
See those teeth? Pretty large huh! Just ready to sink into the fool who might rouse her into a terrible fury by the heinous sin of 'taking the wrong shade of brown towel'. Well I learned my lesson I can tell you, so if you ever visit the system is:
eye level - spare towels for the beach or swimming
next shelf down - on the left, guest towels, on the right our towels (but on the right in front of the light brown towel is a guest beige towel - personally I would class that as entrapment.
A message from Andy at this point, she claims that Karen would understand, Karen if you are reading this then I hope for your sake that's not true.
Onto more serrious matters - drive thru (note the spelling) banking.
So our bank now has drive through cash machines, which is great I guess for when it gets really cold, but there is one thing about this that is a bit worrying. You pull up to the cash machine in your car, wind down the window, insert your card and then enter your pin, all normal you might think - but the keypad has braille on it - on a drive-through cash machine. So you might want to be careful on the roads here.
Nice People We Know
I got back from a couple of days in San Francisco where I was checking out some company's technology. I went with Debbie from work who is the reason for the expression 'Minnesota nice' - but she is good fun to be with too and we got given a limo and a driver for the 2 evenings we were there so we drove around town a bit - see below. Her and Andy went to the local cheese specialty shop a while back but I have to be nice to her about it as she always puts in a good word for me when I annoy people at BestBuy; which is most of the time.
1 comment:
The frightening thing is I read this blog nodding my head appreciatively to the very sensible arrangement of the towels Andy has in place and stumbled rather when my name was mentioned. Perhaps Andy hadn't had her ration of chocolate on this day?
P.S. Missing you all loads!!!!!!
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