Saturday, 18 August 2007

The real reason we're so bad at posting

Well truth be told we're not updating our blog as often as we would like, however there is a reason for this. The most common time to do the update is long after Dan and Becky have gone to sleep (which could be pretty late as we have taken to taking them late night shop;ping with us as it is the only way the two of us can choose things together when I have been at work).

By this time it is usually dark and we need to turn on the lights to do the blog.

This would not normally be a problem but the computer is in the kitchen.
In a normal house this would not be an issue, but for some reason our house is (dah-dah-dah)

The House of 1,000 Switches!!!

So it takes us an hour to turn on the correct light by which time it is too late to do a proper blog - don't believe me, see for yourself, these are the light switches in our kitchen alone.

Which by my reckoning is 37 light switches - it's like Simon for geniuses trying to turn off the lights before you go to bed.

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