Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Mish Mash

All still going well here - we went for lunch with Dan's new church friend Ethan today and then randomly met some nearish neighbours at the park, who are going to do a drinks party for us in the next couple of weeks so that we can meet a few more locals........

Dan and Ethan

Guest room almost painted - ceiling needed a 2nd coat as we originally did it at night then in daylight realised we'd missed a HUGE chunk! Ready for our first guests (mum and dad) in a couple of weeks - v exciting - they will have beds but no sheets or covers if we don't get our act together! Our next door neighbours (who used to own this house and are clean and tidy FREAKS) are coming for dinner on Fri night so I guess I'm cleaning for the next 2 days.
Dan started his 'settling in' at school this week - he seems to be happy enough but as ever can never remember a single thing he's done whilst there. (At least he's not playing power rangers......yet......)
We've just uploaded some photos from my mobile (which still contained pics of us at Beverley Rd!) so I'm afraid the selection is a bit random but does include one of the Minnesota State fair complete with downtown Minneapolis skyline (above). Larry will fill you in about the fair in his next post. Lots of lovexxxxxxx
Becky's first haircut (3 weeks ago)

Dan's first school day

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