Love to everyone back in Blighty, we miss you very much and wish you could be here with us at this special time (or else how can we manage to eat all the sweets that Andy has made).

Hope everyone has a great turkey (or is it pigeon this year?) and a lovely day.

The kids were quite impressed with the flaming Christmas pudding, not sure it needed any extra brandy the amount Andy put in it. It tasted excellent though, you can't get Christmas pudding here so Andy made ours about a month ago.
After dinner it was time to burn off the 768,406,683 calories in the dinner, we decided that snowman building and snowball fights were the best way to do this. The roads were pretty bad so we just stayed in the front garden.

Looks like we need to clear the drive - again

Just to keep up the blog here are some pictures of Minihaha falls taken yesterday.

WOW!!! Can't believe Minnehaha!!! That's so cool!!!
Happy Christmas!!!!
Love Claire xxxx
PS: Just showed my mum the blog & she wants to know if we can all come to experience a white Christmas next year!!! haha!!
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