I'll try not to bore everyone with a detailed summary of last year, suffice it to say that it was a bit more eventful than we could have anticipated at the same point last year. I'm not even going to begin to guess what this year may have in store.
We've managed to lose the lead from our camera to the PC so no pictures today I'm afraid (I think they were mostly of icicles anyway so you got off lightly), the lead is either:
- in a bin buried in wrapping paper
- in one of the cupboards in the kitchen and destined not to be found for a few years
- in England with Martin and Margaret as I seem to have inherited a similar looking lead since they left
- In front of me on the table but I just can't see it
So instead a quick summary of the week and then some Minnesota trivia
Boxing day - not a national holiday here, not many people know what it is, we went out for dinner on boxing day and got asked by our waitress what is was so we told her that everyone in England has servants who live below stairs and this is when we give them their token gift - which is sort of true. We also went sledging, well Dan and Martin and I did, the others wimped out.
Worked on the next day, everyone else stayed in all day, then went to see a gig in the evening, spur of the moment thing and saw a local artist Mason Jennings who was really really good. The sad thing was that his brother opened for him and did about 8 numbers and you couldn't help feeling that the talent in the family wasn't very well distributed. He also got his Dad and wife up on stage and his dad sang a really good song. It was all quite a folky happy sort of gig, check him out on youtube.
Went to Stillwater the next day which is a town to the east of Minnesota, partly to have a drive through the frozen wastes to get a bit of that Fargo feeling, and partly because Stillwater is a very pretty town on the St Croix river. The town was suitably pretty and the St. Croix, which is the width of the Thames had completely frozen over and was covered with snow.
Martin, Margaret and Jon left on Saturday and we went sledging on Sunday - thw two events are not connected. Here are a few pictures we nabbed from their cameras

Jon behind Minnehaha falls
On new year's eve we had friends from church round so the house was filled with 7 kids who were bizarrely well behaved, Dan has got into playing Monopoly and the 3 eldest children played Monopoly and chess all evening.

We also found them sitting up at the breakfast bar in the basement playing 'stinky foods' where Dan was caught ordering a fart salad.
And that was 2007....
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