Talking of biting, the recession (let's call it what it is) caused Circuit City, Best Buy's only real rival, to file for bankruptcy today. The mood at work was pretty subdued as, while it is natural to want to do better than your competitors, there are ways in which you want to do it and this is not one of them. Most US based retailers are now bracing themselves for a very hard Christmas period - and that is the ones that have not already folded (over 6,000 location so far this year have closed). So far Best Buy Mobile has been doing very well but you get the feeling that no-one is sitting pretty in the wake of so much uncertainty. Here is the BBC link to the story http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7720047.stm.
1 comment:
Unfortunately one of the kids at school told Annika the tooth fairy leaves $5.00. Hopefully Dan won't have that child's sibling in his class. -Ken
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