Saturday, 23 February 2008

Fire and Ice

The weather is finally turning a bit warmer this weekend. It was -30 during the week (inc windchill) but got above freezing today so I took Dan to Centennial Lake which is at the back of our local shops - its all free and as usual with Dan skating you can guarantee some good spills.

We got Dan some second hand hockey skates today and this was the first time he used them (hockey skates are a little shorter and trickier than normal skates) so we got even better 'almost falling' skating style than usual.

In the evening we went round to Debbie and Robs, they're just about to move back into their house after a 6 month remodelling job (remodelling is basically a major renovation of all or part of a house). Their house looked great - no pictures sadly but then we went out for a Japanese meal with a lot of theatrics which the kids absolutely loved - 'best restaurant ever' for them.


Claire said...

Wow it's so weird to see the frozen centennial lake! I really want to skate on it too!!

Please can we see a video of Andy doing her backwards skating??

Claire xxx

Jon said...

Quality hockey skating Dan - GO WILD ;)