After a long wait it was announced that we would be taking a coach around the derailed train. That didn't sound so bad except that the bus route was - oh go on have a guess as to how many miles the bus ride would be around the train.
Nope, a bit further than that. Let's imagine you're starting from Brighton, would it be all the way to London? No, further still, how about Cambridge? Er, Birmingham? Um, Manchester?, How about Newcastle?
OK, it was the same as Brighton to Glasgow!! So our 'diversion' was for further than England is long! As you can tell Andy was ecstatic about the idea, and about swapping our proper meal for a Subway and some Doritos.
Also as it was President's Day all of the coach drivers able to understand the basic functions of a coach were busy shuttling tourists around and so we got saddled with a driver who couldn't understand why we didn't need the heating on at full blast no matter how many times and how many people told him. Eventually however we made it to Whitefish by 2:30am, just 5 and half hours after we were supposed to be there.
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