I can still remember the very first day I rode a bike, it was in Cambridge at my uncle Trevor and aunt Sue's house and I zoomed down their driveway and was off. I'm probably the only person who remembers that. Times have obviously changed and so today when Becky rode her bike for the first time we can share it with other people and she'll be able to see herself in 30 or 40 year's time too. I saw an article that calculated how much storage space it would take to record everything that someone saw in their whole life and it wasn't an insane amount by today's standards. So who knows, one day you may be able to review everything that happened throughout your own life or access other people's too.
But for now I'll just be a proud dad who is delighted his daughter has ridden a bike for the first time - I think she was inspired by Ethan who we just watched on Bill's blog riding his bike, so thanks Ethan.
So this is Becky last weekend, the lake is still frozen and Becky is on stabilizers

And today the lake is pretty much thawed after the only March in record without snow (March is usually the snowiest month in Minnesota) and Becky is on Dan's old bike
Also made it to the zoo last weekend for an hour or so (the beauty of season tickets).

1 comment:
Just saw Becky's video - well done from all of us!
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