This was a classic moment, Andy let Becky go at the top of the bunny slope and she shot off down the hill with Andy running after her, I managed to get off the camera shot before tackling her as she whizzed by (Andy is the figure to the top left of Becky)

No such nervousness from Dan, you can't really tell but here are Dan and I on a slope with me eating Dan's dust, I'm on the snowboard and Dan is hurtling down the slope. He hadn't skied for a year prior to this so I wasn't sure how he'd do and he went off at such a pace that I thought he'd totally lost control but when I got to the bottom he was fine and just asked 'where were you'?' - this is going to be trouble.

Becky also had her first ballet show in the morning - it was for pretty young kids and Dan was sitting with us watching saying in too loud a voice 'they're so funny they don't know what they're doing' and really laughing. Still, we were obviously very proud of Becky and she is pretty shy so this was a big thing for her.

And this morning Dan was an agel in the church play/musical all done by the kids, and it was actually pretty good, even intentionally funny in places.

And slightly out of chronological order, the tree is now up

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