Tuesday 14 July 2009

Back to the Mothership

Having just said goodbye to Dad and Sarah we pretty much followed them back to England. The kids fitted straight back into the British way of life including the wearing of pants on the head to stave off earwigs at night.
Digger Dan was soon back digging up gold on the allotment
And watering the family
Speaking of which Andy's cousin Pom has just had a little boy called Alex

Lots of time was spent visiting family and friends, Dan and Becky are down the park with Will and Emma
And Pippa
It was also a BIG birthday for Martin turning 60.
And Andy even gets to meet Jon's new girlfriend - first time ever!

1 comment:

klk said...

For a second there, I thought Martin grew out his hair for a ponytail to celebrate his 60th birthday. See the picture of him and Dan sitting together. Then I realized, oh, it must be his lovely wife sitting behind him. ;-)