Seeing as how I'm a complete slave driver at work and the team has been doing really well I decided to give people the afternoon off on a Friday so that we could do a fun team building event. Given that we can't spend any money on it in this economy (we can afford to but it would look bad) we decided to do Boot Hockey. It's basically ice hockey but you just wear normal boots with special strap on grips and its played with a tennis ball rather than a proper puck. As a lot of our team are from India and have never played any hockey before or even been on ice and it could be a little dangerous we decided to spice it up further by playing with a proper puck, no grips on the shoes, purely mitigated by a 'try not to injure yourself' dictate.

Honestly I don't think I have laughed so much over a couple of hours, ever. It was good to get out and just play in a really good natured way. We had to stop in the end as the ice was getting almost too slippery to stand up.

You can see that we were pretty strict about regulation head gear being worn at all times.

There was lots of this going on, I'm still amazed no-one got injured.

No hockey match would be complete without a fracas.

It was just as well we did it on a Friday as although no bones were broken a lot of unusual muscle groups got a right old work out and there were a lot of people who were pretty much crippled for the next couple of days from muscle stiffness and bruises - but luckily recovered for a ful day's work on Monday :-)
A few people also went sledging for the first ever time and had some great crashes.

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