Hitting the season for Christmas parties at the moment. Being the Scrouge that I am I wasn't going to do anything but Andy suggested we have a party here for the IT team and in a moment of weakness I agreed. Only now have I realized (far too late alas) that the reason for this is so that Andy can assume her dangerous alter-ego of 'The Fearsome and Unstoppable Baking Machine'. I mean, I like some shortbread with my tea as much, or maybe more, than the next man, but even I know that it has to stop somewhere - but not Andy. My only hope is to send her out for ingredients and hope she freezes long enough for me to hide the cookbooks. Luckily fortune is with me and the temperature has dropped from a balmy 3C on Sunday morning (which means we don't pack coats when we go out) to a
high of -21C today. Here are some things that happen at this temperature:
- You can get an ice-cream headache in less than a minute if you go out without a hat on
- Your nostril hair freezes the first time you inhale through your nose
- The local school has a pyjama day and the kids wear their pyjamas to school and back again while trying not to get hypothermia
Anyway, shouldn't complain, Saturday was lovely and we went sledging and actually got to warm. Andy was always complaining that she was too cold so we went out and got her some proper winter clothes - like snow pants (over-trousers really) and decent boots. Up until now Andy has never wanted us to waste money on these as she 'never gets warm anyway so it wouldn't make any difference' (please tell me I'm not alone in thinking this is something of a self-fulfilling prophesy). The result was that we went sledging for an hour or so and got too warm!

Can you spot the snowball that Dan has just thrown in the picture below?

Since then it has snowed another 4-5 inches so we're beginning to get a proper wintery feel - and as the salt doesn't really work on the roads when its this cold there's nothing like sliding towards a busy junction with your foot on the brakes and nothing happening to really put one in the Christmas mood.
Here are a couple of phots from Claire's visit that didn't make it on in time.

Dan about to help me with the BBQ

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