Sunday 30 May 2010

Back to the Dells

Over Easter (that's how far behind I am with getting some of our pictures on the blog) we headed back to the Dells for a long weekend. This time we didn't stay in any of the waterparks instead we found a hotel just outside and just had one day in a park. It's a bit like going to Vegas and not going to the hotels - not many people really understand why you'd go to the Dells and not go to the waterparks but there is a lot to see - like the Dells.

These are taken on the way back when we decided to stop off at one of the 4 points in Minnesota that is more than 9 ft above sea level.

And here are various pictures of the kids and the Dells themselves.

The Dells themselves are a series of sedimentary gorges which you can take 'ducks' (amphibious trucks) or boats through. Becky was petrified of getting onto the duck we took but soon settled down.

The air temperature in these gorges was way below the outside temperature. We were in shorts and T-shirts outside but there was still snow on the ground in the gorges.

Saturday 1 May 2010

They're on the ball

The kids started their football (real football that is) classes today after it was canceled last week due to light drizzle (OK so there was quite a lot of thunder but honestly, if it isn't raining it doesn't feel right to be kicking a ball about).

The kids 'did good'.

Dan scored a couple of goals which he was obviously extremely modest about.

And saved a couple too
Becky was also a bit of a star on the field, though she sometimes got a little distracted by the daisies